Meet Nick Saxby from Cocoa Runners
Meet the Presenter Nick Saxby Nick works with Cocoa Runners, the UK’s leading craft chocolate ...
Communicating & Educating through Storytelling
Chocolate makers are an ambitious, passionate and skilled group of people. But effective communic...
Meet MĂłnica Lozano of La Rifa ChocolaterĂa
Meet the Presenter - Monica Ortiz Lozano - La Rifa ChocolaterĂa Topic: Chocolates with IdentityPr...
Chocolates with Identity
An Empowering Chocopreneurs© Webinar Topic: Chocolates with Identity Presenter: Monica Ortiz Lo...
Meet Paul Bup and members of the Fire Mountain team
Meet the Presenters -Â Paul Bup and members of the Fire Mountain team Topic: Cameroon Cocoa: What...
Cameroon Cocoa: What Makes it Special
Cameroon Cocoa: What Makes it Special Did you know that Cameroon is one of the highest cocoa prod...