Presentado por: Albertus Eskes en Español: Nuevos Atributos del Cacao Fino, Fermentaciones y Subproductos
Estamos emocionados de anunciar que el investigador de cacao Albertus Eskes acordó presentar nues...
Meet Albertus Eskes
Meet the Presenter Albertus Eskes New Fine Cocoa Attributes, Fermentations and By-Products Born ...
New Fine Cocoa Attributes, Fermentations and By-Products
New Fine Cocoa Attributes, Fermentations and By-Products presented by Cacao researcher Albertus E...
Meet Iyin Akinlabi-Oladimeji
Meet the Presenter For Unwrapping the Secrets to Crowdfunding: From Bean to Chocolate Venture: Iy...
Unwrapping the Secrets to Crowdfunding: From Bean to Chocolate Venture
Unwrapping the Secrets to Crowdfunding: From Bean to Chocolate Venture Join us for an exciting E...
Regional Ingredient Round table
Join us for a roundtable discussion on the benefits & use of local ingredients.Let's talk abo...