Meet Denise Speck
Meet the Presenter - Denise Speck - Storytelling to Revive Trinidad & Tobago’s Cocoa Sector

Denise Speck was born and raised in Germany and is a graduate in sustainable entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur, a photography enthusiast, a consultant, an ever-learning student. She spent the past 7+ years in The Netherlands to pursue a Masters of Science in Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the University of Groningen / Campus Fryslân) and conducted her final research project about “Digital Storytelling to Foster Sustainable Development”.
Receiving the opportunity to work as a storytelling consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), she travelled to Trinidad & Tobago to put her insight into practice and support a Cocoa Cluster in Trinidad & Tobago (https://www.otctt.org) that aims to revive Trinitario Cocoa and provide fair livelihoods for the actors involved in the supply chain. She is also co-directing a short documentary called “Trinitario - on the edge” (IG: @trinitario_cocoa_film).
Through her insight, she wants to support entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and gain more regenerative value through different storytelling practices.
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Presented By: Denise Speck
Date: Saturday, December 17th 2022
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -5)
Location: Virtual