Meet Dr. Tom Neuhaus
Meet the Presenter Dr. Tom Neuhaus - Moving Up the Value Chain
Topic: Moving Up the Value Chain
Presented by: Dr. Tom Neuhaus of Project Hope and Fairness
Date: Saturday, September 30th
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -4)
Location: Virtual
Tom earned a PhD in Sensory Psychology from Cornell University. For seven years, he wrote a cooking and chemistry weekly column for the Washington Post.
For 32 years, he taught courses in food preparation, with a focus on chemistry and cultural anthropology—at Cornell University and California State Polytechnic University. It was from merging principles of cultural anthropology with chocolate history that he became interested in how the use of child labor in West Africa helps grow 73% of the world’s cocoa beans.
In 2003, he began annual trips to Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Cameroon, then founded two non-profits: Project Hope and Fairness and more recently its French equivalent, Projet Espoir et Equité.Tom has retired to Cordes-sur-Ciel, where he runs Le Comptoir du Cacao, a retail shop whose goal is to develop markets for village produced chocolate.
Join CocoaTown and Dr. Neuhaus for an Empowering Chocopreneurs Webinar
In this webinar Dr. Tom Neuhaus shares his experience of how villages and farmers can seize the opportunity to create and sell their own chocolates, both locally and internationally.
To learn more and to register visit https://cocoatown.com/blogs/blog/moving-up-value-chain