Meet Dustin Cornett
Dustin & his wife Mai started their journey into the world of chocolate when they discovered Dustin’s grandmother’s old bonbon recipes. They wanted to add their own special touch to her amazing candies, so they began making their own chocolate to coat them. It only seemed fitting that they craft it from the bean to find the perfect chocolate to compliment her delectable bonbons.
They also own and operate the Chocolat Inn & Café, which is an 8 room bed and breakfast inn with a cafe attached that offers specialty coffee, pastries, and of course, their chocolate.
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Atlanta Time
Topic: Cocoa is More Than Chocolate - Improving Income with Chocolat Inn & Cafe
Presenter: Dustin Cornett - Chocolate Maker - Co-owner/Operator Chocolat Inn & Café
To request for video recording - https://forms.gle/hFATB5smGxSZnozb7
To learn more about the Chocolat Inn & Cafe visit https://www.chocolat-