Meet the Presenters
Marita Esteva and Rose Esteva de la Torre
Topic: Ceremonial Cacao: Growing & Making in Sacred Ways
Date: Saturday, June 29th
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -4)
Location: Virtual
Cacao, Mauna Kea, Pele, and the Big Island of Hawai’i called to them, so they packed up everything and moved across the Pacific with their 4 cats to join this incredible island nation and work with cacao in a new way.
Marita’s ancestors are Olmeca, one of the original cacao peoples. Marita’s relationship with cacao goes back to their childhood in Mexico City, their grandmother singing them songs in the kitchen while making them hot steaming cups of cacao.
Rose grew up on Latin American songs of chocolate making, sung together in circular gathering rooms in elementary school, long before they ever drank true cacao (but of course loved a good hot chocolate with marshmallows). Their love for the wildlife and land of Hawai’i called them here for many years, as they’ve had family on the islands for decades.
Together, they plant, grow, farm, make, and teach in sacred ways. They live in ceremony. They are here to get the medicine out and to be the medicine to the best of their ability.
They teach a way of being in a deep relationship with Mother Earth, and working with cacao is just one way they pray.
Join Marita (one who catches Lightning and keeper of the thunderstone) and Rose Esteva de la Torre as they share ancient traditions and practices surrounding the ceremonial use of cacao. Discover how they have been taught, how they are preserving these traditions, and how they are translating them to a modern world that often fails to appreciate without appropriating the sacred and the indigenous.
To read more about the webinar and to register https://cocoatown.com/blogs/blog/ceremonial-cacao-growing-making-in-sacred-ways